An angel annointed my forehead this morning, it was nothing more than the flutter of a butterfly!
I was remembering being at St. Francis' tomb when I felt it touch me so lightly, remembering the emotion that overwhelmed me there that I had to sit and cry a while. When I walked around his tomb, I placed one hand, I believe my left, against it, and offered myself to his cause...I guess I felt it profane somehow to place both hands upon this obviously sacred shrine....there was a priest sitting there at a little desk watching, so I didn't linger too long, although I could have stayed a long time, there were few people there... It was nearly Christmas, and snow lightly fell off and on that day, as my son and I walked around Assissi, so beautiful with her light pink stone buildings, unique, and the monks walking in their tiva sandals without socks.
The upper two floors of the cathedral didn't have any emotional affect upon me, although the art was incredible throughout. But when we entered the basement where his tomb was...I was overwhelmed and astonished with feeling. Jesse just let me sit and cry till it subsided. I later discovered, St. Francis was placed in his tomb on my birthday, May 25.
We walked outside and up Minerva street, a man stopped us and said he didn't hear english often there and told us the feeling inside was the energy of all those pilgrims who had visited. He told us about St. Clare's tomb up the hill and that they were 'lovers'. So we made our way up the hill, past the town square where there is an old roman/greek temple, turned catholic inside. I have heard there is an ancient underground part of the city there, but we didn't know at the time. We found her church and tomb, simple, neglected, compared to St. Francis', who wanted only to be buried where the criminals were executed. I did not feel the intensity there, but we were glad to visit her and I am fascinated with their relationship; although I'm pretty sure it was celebate, as they were required by the times. But, she wore her wedding garments when she fled her parents' home to join his flock and I do feel they had a soul marriage together.
After leaving there, we walked past lovely shop windows, beautiful Christmas pastries, so colorful, we went inside and stood, as sitting costs more, with our coffees and pastry. Jess went to the restroom and was gone a long time; when he returned he was pissed, seething that he got stuck in there and there was no toilet paper either! I laughed at his anger and chided him that of course he would want to have a clean ass in such a sacred city! I suggested he go into the next shop and buy another something and use their restroom, which he did, and came out much relieved.
We were in great spirit as we walked in near dusk exploring when he jumped suddenly and bent under a parked car and pulled up a 50 Euro bill! He was so excited, he ran around several cars there to see if there was any more. I thought, what a special sign in this place where I could imagine someone just throwing up money in the wind and asking it to go to who needed it. Jesse needed the money, wasn't working much that winter, which gave us lots of time to get to know one another again, after years of him being gone abroad.
I joked again and called it the 'miracle of the immaculate ass'!
Jesse forgive me if I embarrass you, but it's just too good a story...
In studying St. Francis, I don't think he wanted to join the catholic orders, they say he felt unworthy. He joined when constant attacks required it. His story is so astounding, after see the slaughter of the crusades, he was transformed and ultimately rejected all materialism; throwing his father's precious fabrics out the window, which brought him a beating. He threw off his clothes in the town square and gave himself to the savoir, who had cried to him from the statue of Jesus when he attended church.
He traveled far and wide, we visited a tiny cell he slept in outside of Cortona, now a monestary which also felt quite wonderful. He worked alone a long time, repairing a fallen church, eventually drawing friends to his perspective. They say birds gathered to hear his sermons, I believe it. He died at 42, I believe, went blind, in his earlier years he mistakenly abused himself for Christ and realized that was error and attributed later poor health to that flagelation. The monks sewed fur inside his garments to keep him warm, although he wasn't happy about that.
I have since learned the last pope had every leader of every world religion, american indians, hindus, buddhists there...his tomb was hidden for about 400 years. An strong earthquake had damaged it a few years before and repairs were still going on.
Pilgrimages are real, there are places that alter ones chakras, energy is forever changed...that happened to me in Peru and Bolivia and it happened to me in only realizes the extent later..
Working on my land, I am reminded of him and Clare, and it strengthens me working alone so much...
To return to my experience this morning as I remembered being there, being on the sixth day of my fast, I felt weak and hungry this morning and took a bath and was resting on the bed remembering the experience of St. Francis when I saw an angel, nothing too clear, it was small, in my minds' eye, about the size of a butterfly, but looked like the angels painted everywhere in Italy, although the image was so quick, I didn't make out any details.
It just flew up, annointed my forehead with two light touches, making a cross! and flew away, light as a butterfly. I didn't feel any different and couldn't remember ever having been annointed, right on my third eye! It was incredible, sweet and short, and I wondered what it meant. Then I remembered Revelations!
After the experience in April I wrote about yesterday, I sought out all the prophecies I could find, the Bible, Hopi, Nostradamas, others, to see if what was happening in the gulf was foretold. Of course, Nostradama's 'Mabus' of antichrist fame, really jumped out at me when I saw that Obama had appointed Ray Mabus to look over the gulf disaster! I read the new testament this summer from several translations, the Aramaic Lamsa the best, I ordered through interlibrary loan, they had a hard time finding it. The Eastern Orthodox Church has faithfully recorded and kept the original Aramaic books, called the Peshita, written in the language 'Jesus' spoke in, without all the clumsiness and alterations of the western church, from aramaic to greek to english. Lamsa translated it in 30's, 40's I believe. The villiage he was born in in Syria didn't even know about Martin Luther or America being discovered until the first world war! His sincere story is included and is so moving; although I am always suspicious of changes made later in publishing by evil powers that be. Still, it reads like everyday language, Yahshua came alive to me in his translations. Nobody made these stories up, all you have to do is read them to see.
Please know, I don't go to church, I've tried, I find all the services corrupted in some way or another, infiltrated with the cancer of evil. But I do appreciate some of these as sacred spaces, one can tell, one can feel the space....I love to go into ancient churches, their art and vibe of a thousand years or more. But I want the reader to know, I did not grow up in church...I didn't read a new testament through till this summer.
I have been 'saved' and I have been 'baptized.' The baptism I requested of a friend of mine who was a minister in Memphis, having a secret life his parish couldn't know about. I met him giving him an astrology reading in Basin Park in Eureka Springs. I guess I'd known him a year or two, hadn't seen him in a year, I started talking about being baptized and wondering if I should have a total immersion or just a sprinkling. This was after my trip to South and meso America in 1999, so I guess it was 2000. Steve called the next day after me speaking about it and said he was in town. We went to the UFO conference and then to Little Eureka Lake down from my house and he immersed me totally where the water flowed in from the spring which flowed out of a rock cliff nearby. There were a lot of dead leaves in the bottom but watercress was growing so I knew the water was clean, but I smelled the smell of rotten when I came out of the water, symbolic to me of washing my sins...but perhaps also of Steve's split personality. He was living a double secret life and in counseling him I told him he had to get honest. His fears came to pass when he finally did, and he lost the church, the wife, a daughter...
He said hello to me on facebook just before I started writing this, we haven't talked in several years, so I tried to tell him about my annointing this morning, saying he was the first person who would know. When I finally got it written on the chat back and forth, he had already said he had finally got free of all that Christian programming. I told him to read my blog yesterday and to find the Essene Gospel of Peace, he was skeptical and didn't know what to believe anymore, and said bye, got off quickly. I do believe in synchronicity, that's the root of my name! It's no coincidence he called when he did...
I was saved, visiting a church my retired minister landlord built on hwy 10 beside the Illinois river, outside Tahlequah. It was amazing the way I rented this house from him, leaving my rebound 2nd husband of one year, I ran an ad in the local paper... and got a call before the ad was published! I had decided, meanwhile, I wanted to be near the river, and told him when he called, and he said, it is by the river. He had found my ad at the newspaper office there to advertise his house!
I discovered Sparrow Hawk Villiage on Good Friday, 1991, 20 minutes down a dirt road on top of the mountain of the same name. The river almost made a circle around the mountain and the longest continuous bluff was opposite, called Goat's bluff. There was a log cabin restaurant, called, The Echota House near the beginning of hwy 10, that told me there was a good bookstore there.
I had been in this marvelous log cabin, Echota House, 15 years before, when the old Cherokee vaudeville star whose home it was, had just died...her things were still there, I could feel her there, I wanted it to be my home, two rock fireplaces opposite a large room, a long marble slab for the kitchen counter. The fellows that had bought it were going through her papers, letters from famous people of her time, complaining her heirs had burned things ignorantly. They owned the Wilson Ranch and had opened a canoe rental, which we did. The day was magical and nobody was on the river but us as it was misty. The future father of my children and I camped on a large rock shelf and I wished I could live there.
When I left Don, after 13 years, he only let me take a tiny handful of photos, locking the filling cabinet in punishment. He was a photographer, so we had thousand of prints, slides and negatives. Among the few I was allowed were black and whites of that Illinois River camp out. They looked like from a hundred years before, me in a long prarie skirt and big straw hat, carrying firewood we'd gathered.
After discovering the great bookstore, I went to their services on Easter Sunday and discovered they used astrology. I began to go on Sundays and realized there was something to astrology I had never realized and it wasn't long before I realized it was the 'calling' I had been searching for all my life.
Now, when my baptist minister landlord heard about me visiting this 'mystery school', I know now why he wanted me to come to his church, but I was unaware until I sat there, this tiny tiny but lovely church, the pastors musical family were half the congregation and I realized the whole sermon was for me! So I had to graciously accept when he asked me to be saved. What surprised me was the cornucopia of tears I shed upon doing so. I remember his teenage daughter looking at me strangely, wondering...
After about 6 months, I moved to live at Sparrow Hawk, very close to the river. Their campground I could swim to from our house was the same rock I had photos of me on 14 years before! I had got my wish!
Another amazing synchronicity, another 14 years, I dreamed in this house of a huge full size lion, white tiger and bear, coming out of the woods from the river and standing with their paws against my second story window, looking for me....I awoke with such strong feeling, honored somehow, I tried to find what the symbolism meant, were there white tigers? Finding my place in the world and my calling were the two unsettling unknowns. Fourteen years later, two years ago, I bought my land at abandoned land auction, and it is so near Turpentine Creek Big Cat Reserve, that I hear them roaring instead of cattle! The have bears there too!
So back to this morning's inner events, I wrote yesterday the 144,000 mentioned in Revelations, Maurice Cotterell had concluded that it meant those that make light, achieve the frequency of 144,000 that is the speed of light in an I was surprised to quickly remember the 'mark' mentioned by St. John... is that what happened this morning? It certainly wasn't in my consciousness at all, but this is what I experienced in an instant and I have to share it, because it was a lovely moment and I want to remember and honor it and share.
I said yesterday I want to commune with angels, perhaps it is beginning, my prayer is being answered.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wednesday begins the equinox, full moon, always intense times, but this year especially so, with the sun and moon aligning in the volatile and destructive cross of outer planets promising cataclysmic change, whether we like it or not. Everybody has got to choose, war or peace, aries or libra.
What I have to say is probably not going to be popular. I realize 'best sellers' tell the masses what they want to hear. Philosophically, we yearn for heaven on earth, 'never mind' the concept of immortality, how do we solve earthly problems? I have found that the concepts are inseparable because fear and lack of will are the cause of evil in man, and the only way man can be at peace and eradicate his fear is to know he may become immortal. By not believing, man does evil, justified in this being all there is.
Now, for love of my children, I would lay down my life without this hope, naturally; and I might become mama bear, to protect them. But can we stand against evil for values such as truth, freedom, free speech, and I mean stand non-violently? I don't think so....and I don't see it happening except in exceptional individuals, all sinners, who come to face their demons and know what they have to do...John Lennon, Kennedy, Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and countless unknown martyrs, buried from history, because each of these acts inspires others to such courage....If they are murdered, slandered, erased, you know they were on to something... The Pisces age is the age of martyrs, for good reason, because pisces is about immortality at it's highest aspiration. At it's lowest, it is degredation, addiction, slavery, lies, sickness, and poverty. We have a choice here.
My studies, my intuitions, my gut, are showing me the way to heaven is very very narrow. Against popular culture that tells us we will all get to heaven or reincarnate, what I am learning is this is a lie of evil to encourage us to lazy complacency. Now I do teach reincarnation and see signs of it in the bible even, the karmic idea that we come back better or worse off due to our past deeds. I see it gets harder, the more a soul grows, so worse off can mean more soul growth, an example is severely handicapped people who inspire the world with their enthusiastic help to others to put their own problems in perspective. Easy lives are like kindergarten and hard lives the possiblity of a Ph.D. in soul! It releases us from victimization to consider being on both sides of trauma in different lives....
So the 'wheel of karma, or wheel of fortune" is what Asian Christians say 'Christ' gave us release from, through his piscean self sacrifice. The forgiveness built into this age is the release, if we become aware of our sins, of how our body has been separate in deed from soul. When soul is aligned with body in action, joy is always created, light, and humor! "Follow your bliss" does not mean hedonism, for pleasure, unenjoyed, produces pain, as Talbot Mundy taught me in "I Say Sunrise." That pain is conscience telling us our soul could not go there...We can rationalize, justify, and in doing so a lifetime, lose the precious sensitivity of awareness of conscience.... Joseph Campbell is right in that everyone's bliss is unique, but ultimately, service, giving, unconditional love, personality/ego-surrender in this age are guidelines, as Pisces shows we are all part of the larger whole. Ideal pisces is never arrogant; the moon is there as I write this, I was born with moon in pisces, and I am more and more humbled the more I learn.
There is no place for self-rightousness or holier than thou, nor do I find the words of "Jesus" ever to be so, although his enemies must have seen him through their own dark auras to hate him...I can see why they hated him, because what he taught was nearly impossible. People remembered his miracles and his flock grew, and were persecuted severely, as he told them they would be. When the priesthood couldn't shut down the movement, they infiltrated it, diluting and distorting, for obvious reasons...
I am so impressed with him as a human being, that I must speak about his gift, even though, I am not sure of his real name. What I am sure of, is that he lived, walked this earth, and left a living legacy to all of us who seek....Some say he was a god, come down to help us, others, a man, for me, it doesn't matter; although, the courage required to do what he did inspires us more if we can identify with him as human. Easy for gods to do, almost impossible for human. I don't need to argue that point...What I argue with is those who say he never existed...
The more I realize the existence of 'demons' the more I know Yahshua was for real and why evil wants to convince us he wasn't. I don't think Yashua wanted us to pray to him as God, but to love the 'Father' the creator of all...
I saw this economic depression clearly coming nine years ago and I saw a holocaust that I now see manifesting in the gulf oil disaster...the media shut down is a huge sign of evil intent in all this. These are the same insideous vampires that brought us WWII, the gulf is the gas chamber this time around. What can I do to help this? Freedom of speech is what I was raised upon, I will exercise that right. I want to give hope as the darkness increases and the only hope I see is faith in the divine plan. People who don't believe in 'God' because he lets us suffer have not searched out the truth we have been given. Over and Over, we are told, we are 'cultured' for souls. Those that don't grow them, are the waste tossed out at the end of the 'season'. As a gardener, and from studying biology, is the farmer, the botanist, the microbiologist cruel that he burns the waste when he harvests his crop? Neither is our Creator cruel when he holds back, or eradicates those unfit for higher worlds.
The parable of the wheat and the tares was one I didn't know until this telling....a farmer plants his wheat, a thief sneaks in and plants weeds and the people say, should we pull these weeds? The farmer says, wait until the harvest or we would disrupt the whole crop. Souless people are seen as weeds. These, to me, are the zombies, ruling our corrupt banks, governments, puppets for the demonic realms...the most terrible criminals are at the top of society, not the bottom, I am convinced.
I was taught in school to think of time in a line, astrology caused me to think in spirals, Terrance McKenna and Dan Winter taught me to see the spirals as ever- tightening tornadic cones....McKenna's time wave zero novelty theory realized there is a point of convergence, where time ends.
The 26 thousand-year precession of the equinox, the 12 ages, was the biggest astrological cycle I was beginning to grasp, when Carl Calleman opened my eyes to the Mayan calendars' revelation of evolution of consciousness since the big bang, billions of years.... I had been on many of these pyramids in 1999
and was searching the mystery since. He says the nine layered pyramid calendar stepped up to the 8th level, on January 5, 1999, my mother died that month so I was immediately impressed...and then the travels that summer, pilgrimages and initiations; coming home, I bought my first house by myself by a miracle and felt honored to be able to sink my root deep into the Eureka Springs Ozark Mountains. My whole life changed that year...
Personal experience leads one to search, to share. I see the 'cosmic laws' changed that year, that we began to be able to see through the power structures for what they really are...I had a personal kick in the gut studying the US chart in 2000, the saturn/pluto alignment over the gemini ascendant, very disturbing, wondering what that was coming? Nuclear attack? Death? I studied the cycles of pluto/saturn, going back through the last century and saw the signs....After 911, I knew the US chart had Gemini rising, disputed still by astrologers, because the world trade centers were twins, among many other signs such as freedom of speech and mars rising showing our violence with guns. I determined to find the truth, with internet in my home and interlibrary loan, I was able to. The good side of this crime is that many people awakened. That we can see them so obviously proves to me that the vampire gig is nearly up. In 2001, the only truly critical book about the Bushs, I could find, was the "Unauthorized Biography of the Bush Family",...there were lots and lots bad about Bill Clinton...I knew something was very wrong.
I had to go through 'force fields' of fear to study this secret invasion of the Nazis that now is widespread knowledge...thank you Webster Tarpley for your courage. This is where the space ships come from, Tesla's stolen technology, no wonder they hid this phenomenally great man from our history books. I felt I began studying politics and economics and wound up tracing the vampire in I happilly find nine years later...many others have as well...
I posted my findings to my website on 11/11/01, that I thought it was an inside job, old news now...A lonely place to be, everybody seemed hypnotized....they were....I hadn't had tv in many years and I thought that might be the reason I could hear the propaganda over NPR in what they didn't ask.
Internet became widespread in '99, and that is the freedom of information, of speech, we are enjoying, for now...I rewrote my education in the fall of 2001 and continue today....realizing so much I had been force-taught in school was a lie and why we are lied to...
So when you realize you are studying demons, vampires, then you must find the antidote....I believe I could study this because I had been making all my decisions and actions upon enthusiasm since I was 33, I'm 56 now and it has released me from much of the fear vibe I see people suffering with, albiet mostly unconsciously...they don't even know they have a choice!
I knew when the saturn/pluto cycle came to the square, which is now, from studying the '30s, that the awakened 'beast' would be ravenous. Very few wanted to know, ostriches with their heads in the sand... I did continue my astrology column for 8 years every week, for free, censored when I got too political, so I focused on positive solutions.....donating sometimes a whole day a week to this honor...
I have had so many miracles, unbelievable, to encourage me upon my path of fearlessness... I was naive for a long time in believing the more creative one became the easier it becomes, I was wrong, it gets harder...that is why I became quiet the last few years, to see what I know, if it is valid....I sold my house in eureka three years ago, miraculously, to avoid debt; and found ten acres two years ago and have been especially isolated since then, focusing on clearing the land, building terraced gardens and finishing the foundation of a round house, 12 sides, like an astrology chart... I use the internet when I am too tired to do anything else, resting in civilization somewhere....I have no electricity or running water on the land...I feel so blessed to have it, and no debt.
As I write this, I'm on the fifth day of a fast, doing great, going back to my land to be under the full moon at the equinox....I am determined to eat only live foods when I begin to eat again, Thursday...I thought my vibes of being truthful and fearless were enough to transmute food, but I realize I was blind. After reading the Essene Gospel of Peace recently, I know in my heart, live food, is the only way to ascend to the levels I aspire to.... Mom was a doctor, a psychiatrist; I studied to be a nutritionist, among many other subjects, as I am a gemini...virgo is on my midheaven, so I know my calling is to heal, to nourish...'physician heal thyself' is the advice I am taking very seriously and enthusiastically.
As we near the end of the 2000 year age of Pisces, I have to study, seek out all the words of "Jesus" "Yahshua or Yeshua" as he was the avatar of that age. Astrology proved the existance of the 'savior' to me...I am saddened that people are told in Zeitgeist that the symbolism of the age created myth...I cannot agree, because astrology works upon and through people. Each age, mankind steps up in his evolution so someone had to accomplish it's archetypes....When I read his words, they ring so true, so beautiful. When one knows the archetypes of Pisces, it's all there in the story of the 'Christ'.
Martyrdom, sacrifice, selfless love of others as oneself, healing, ascension, miracles....Yashua threw out the money lenders and the animal sacrifice in the temple, that is what got him killed....I ask, how can we have the courage he had to right wrongs if we cannot believe in immortality? All such heros are martyred....He said we all have satan within us until we purify our temple, our body....we seek peace, yet we can we cease to be food for the vampire when we worship death in what we eat?...we cannot, and he said so... so I realize the way is very very narrow....but we are shown the way by the light of all the true prophets of peace that have come to us....
Maurice Cotterell thinks all these avatars are the same son of god, come to us to give us a little more of the puzzle, as man evolves. He has found the science of sun cycles in ancient tombs...that the sun reverses it's magnetic field every 4500 years or so....that civilization is wiped out everytime this happens and the pyramids were built to hold knowledge to the next age...
Pisces/Virgo symbolism is everywhere in Yeshua's message, the Harvest being a prominent discussion. I have believed the last ten years at least, that we are here to grow soul....that Earth/universe is a nursery for souls. Immortality is not a promise to everyone, some, most, are like chaff, stunted, sterile...this is obvious in the teachings of 'Jesus'...this is not cruel of the Creator...this is just how it is....
The Ten Commandments, don't kill, don't lie, don't bear false witness, don't steal, simple golden rules, but people weren't ready, so they kept killing animals and making sacrifices to false gods; as god didn't want the sacrifices, obviously, since he said 'thou shall not kill. Blood sacrifice is what has been happening from ancient times and there is a real evil purpose in that the parasitic demonic realms need it as 'satan' has no 'life' of his own....vampires, aliens, reptilians, call them what you will, need humans for food, and when you cannot understand how evil people can be, you can, if you see they are 'possessed'. I see this is a great secret, science has convinced us, is superstition. The last predator is so cunning to convince us it doesn't exist, all the while, usurping our thoughts, desires, bodies, souls, if we allow, in ignorance...
Immunity is in following the truth, and we can only know truth by being truth...a liar will not find his way through the labrynth. Reincarnation may be the mechanism through which we evolve to this point; but there seems to be a deadline to it more time....Maurice Cotterell has found that the 144, 000 is the speed of light in an arc, which goes around the earth 6.66 times in one second...144,000 represents the frequency the soul must ascend to to attain immortality...the light body...the halo of saints... the 666 reveals earth is hell...satan's get out, we have to make light and that is only through becoming love...divine love....
Now the testing of Satan, Saturn, is necessary, for without evil, the yin/yang of this world of duality, we are a worthless crop, spineless, useless to the greater universe....Athiests reject the idea of a creator as a cruel joke....they are blinded by intelligence and arrogance, wounded by evil done in the name of good...the institutions are all corrupt, no argument, but the source is true....and the source always warned us it would be so...
Something huge changed in '99 and evil can no longer hide itself....I believe from my own miracles that much more is possible now...everyone can see the speeding up that McKenna describes and I have personally experienced the connects to ancient times out on my land....I'm learning about the elements first hand...I can understand the illusion, the hologram, the matrix that keeps us in our prison and I am determined to rise above...
I had an experience just before the gulf oil disaster on my land that shook me badly....I had a bad dream and awoke with a kind of guilt I do not have, inside the mind of another who had hidden the body of a girl and the secret was eating his soul, his conscience prayed for peace...the feeling was so terrible when I awoke, I considered, was I remembering a past life I needed to heal? But I began to feel it was connected to my land that I acquired at abandoned land auction, obviously the day wore on, the winds were 40 mph and I saw fire danger from the debris of the ice storm the previous winter, as well as, wondering if this person was aware of me on my land. I felt he might show up and I would know his secret and how would I handle this as a christian? Thoughts came to me as I worked in the extreme wind, my conscience not letting me justify or forget the smallest sins that came to my memory, forgotton until that day....I knew that day, nothing is secret, all is written, somewhere. I was down on my knees, repentatant, humbled, and decided to seek a friend to pray with me, all of which I never have done before...I didn't find her, so I drove to Fayetteville, amazed to see almost every structure look crooked or blown...I wondered as I drove if I was seeing a future storm....wasting the region...
I feel I felt a little of 'judgement day' that day; the 'wrath of god' as I felt that nothing was safe but soul...I wasn't afraid, just overwhelmed, because I trust my maker...But I was shocked and searched on the internet and found the solar flares were so large that the astronauts were in special compartments in space that day to protect from the rays...I had let my four wheel drive truck roll four feet into a tree the day before, like a fool, and since learned solar flares coincide with more accidents...
But the searching continued, something was going on.. I was watching earth changes and then on the 29th of April, I saw a notice later than I usually stayed up, "the gulf oil spill may be worse than the exon valdize" and I knew that was it, what I had been about guilt, those with any conscience left would feel, the insiders who knew, before it blew...I have studied nuclear disaster, but never considered an oil disaster could be the beginning of apocalypse.
I looked at prophecy and saw what was happening described thousands of years ago, not to scare us, but to assure us to not fear when it gets terrible.... seas red as blood, fish boiling...
Beware of words and their translations, study and then seek the source inside your heart...My favorite book is the simple, Essene Gospel of Peace, because "Jesus" says the scriptures are dead, 'seek living truth of living god, living love our Creator with all our hearts, minds, souls.'
To love, to worship, is what we do, every day, every hour, every is creativity rather than destructivity....We were not created to be slaves to our maker, but true companions.
I have a great interest in the mysteries of his-story, other avatars that evil has attempted to erase....Mom had a near death experience about Nefertiti so we studied Ahkenaten before internet; I wish she could see what is known now....It seems very likely he was, or was closely associated with, Moses, as they both were proponents of 'one god' one 'creator' instead of all these idols or lesser gods....some say some of the psalms are of Ahkenaten's hymns and I think this must be so....he shut down the old temples of Egypt and priesthood, moved to 'aten' instead of 'amen' which we all say in prayer now all over the world....he must have been non-violent because he didn't keep up with the territories and so the economy began to fail....the priesthood erased all evidence of him they could, plowed salt into the ground of his new capital city after total destruction of it....
This priesthood that destroyed his new covenant are the ones in power today, same that crucified 'Jesus', the egyptian theme is obvious everywhere...these vampires must be connected to royal mummies, now in the London museum perhaps? As the Dracula novel told, their coffins must be near for them to return every day...the art was beautiful and realistic that Ahkenaten created....he is slandered because he was good, I am Jesus, he shook things up....
I am sure there is cosmic law that only allows so much tampering with the is out everything, all mixed up for us to sort out individually through the school of hard knocks...
I believe in love and the ideal of soul marriage....I think at the ending of an age, something of it's opposite happens...the end of the age of Aries, the old testament concept of god, angry wrathful, it's opposite Libra, manifested in laws, culture and divine marriage...that is why I feel in my heart that Jesus and Mary Magdelene were married...from personal revelation in front of a black madonna in Cocacabana Lake Titicaca Bolivia in '99, before the DaVinci Code. I found afterwards, the books that inspired that...but I disagree with the bloodline of the bluebloods' claim and was offended at the sex ritual as it was profane and not of anything sacred....the protagenist in DaVinci Code was right to be disgusted...of course the story isn't's the story of the corruption of the truth, that they loved one another so much that his resurrection was only possible with her partnership, her love, her witness, which is so buried, hence, the black madonnas, the hidden mary... Now as we come to the end of the Pisces age, Virgo manifests, out of the shadows, and we must attend to cleaning our temples... Evil has divided man from woman because the power of soul marriage is so great.
Now this Lucifer story, this is different from Satan, as Lucifer is said to be an archangel, the shining one, Venus...Two sides to every coin, the negatives of Venus are vanity, jealousy, greed, lust, gluttony, the negatives of Saturn are cold, cruel, punishing, dominence. The whole rebellion story, like the story of Judas, reminds me of the parable of the Prodigal Son, ultimately Yahshua was talking about rebellious Lucifer...good cop, bad cop? His father's infinite love waits patiently. I have personal experience with Lucis (Lucifer Trust) as a lending library and thought it wierd at the time that the spiritual booklist also had United Nations material, now I understand that connect to Theosophy, Rockefeller, which has helped me understand the New Age Movement as infiltrated with disinformation, like everything else...Like rats in a maze, we must prove some real intelligence to get out of this matrix...
So to not be divided and conquered, we must love, and pray for, all our enemies, even our arch rival, the great deceiver...I'm sure this is misunderstood in the rationalizations of the likes of Albert Pike and all masonic evils when the choice is made to worship evil, meaning, to think it, do it, say it...the evil ones in the world literally ask for these spirits to inhabit them to give worldly powers and wealth....all the world leaders are compromised, and the ones that try to cut their puppet strings are killed...Bob Dylan seems to admit he sold his soul for fame...
It's freaky out there, but it always has careful what you idolize....the beauty of the Piscean Age is the promise of forgiveness upon true repentance, sins are wiped away....but not by buying favors from corrupt priests, or giving lip service. There has to be a reason that the Heart of Christianity is so slandered, so covered in mud that few even look....there has to be a reason Yahshua said his followers would have a very very difficult road....
It's obvious human kind as a collective has malignant cancer, each 'cell' having chosen to join chaos, as each human choses to do evil out of fear or greed...Compromise and compartmentalization is how evil, functions....the times to come require the greatest of will to not succumb and become a's too big to believe the lie that we can do it alone, we all ask for help when the going gets rough, just discern the help you ask and remember, he said, his kingdom is not of this world...identify with your soul and believe and behave as if you can be more than your body...all these who have sold their souls will have terror as their reward...Karma is real, what goes around, comes around....
We were warned about false prophets and it's epidemic now as are split personalities, one reason I waited to speak is I want to present truth. The 2012 bandwagon is obscene, people telling you to accept 'implants' from 'aliens' to attain 'enlightenment' and so on...I respect Krishnamurti so much that he rejected the Theosophical society's messiah of the new age position he has been groomed for...he saw the light, bless his heart. Look and see what is being promoted in media and bookstores, who's making the money saying what, and you will begin to see the conspiracy to enslave your soul. There is no reason to doubt intelligent life elsewhere, but there is every reason to doubt 'benevolent aliens' are your friends. Whether demons come from here or mars or orion, makes no difference, humans are cattle to them. Remember the Twilight Zone segment called "To Serve Man"? Their manuel turned out to be a cookbook. Angels of true light are not going to call themselves 'aliens'. The sacred books are incredible aid in arming yourself against this widespread deceit. Do you trust the Vatican when they tell us aliens have souls too, when they didn't even believe women had souls during the inquisition, probably still don't.
I've believed a long time now that heaven and hell are dimensional, both right here...that one's reality depended upon one's own vibration, sink to hell or rise to heaven....the words of 'Jesus' must be truth because they would come to me, even though I never could finish reading the new testament's clumsy translations... I read this summer, the Aramaic translations with beautiful ease, I found more with the Essenes and the books cut out of the bible...I'm impressed with the Koran which validates Jesus and the Mary's and the jinn/demons. There is wisdom all over the world, of course. I'd rather believe it all than believe none of it.
My mom was a unitarian and my grandparents Baptists, mom was a searcher and had read the bible and was a good woman and mother, but she worshipped intelligence and science and that hurt her in the end. Grandmother was inhibited by her religion but she aspired to be true to her faith...I feel I am sane because I had both women to balance my perspective...Mother died a horrible death, three years of cancer and treatments, so angry; I wasn't surprised that tornadoes hit Little Rock the day of her funeral. Grandmother died a blessed death, just sitting to remove her shoes...I didn't know, she had visited me that day in Tahlequah, but I dreamed of a beautiful alchemical singing dove that morning, that I was to care for; finding it dead at the end of the dream...I awoke in tremendous grief and was trying to go back to sleep to redream the dream so it wouldn't be dead, when Dad called saying grandmother was dead.
It is not our place to judge, I loved both women so much...I completely understand why people reject is filled with evil, but not the source. We are blessed to find those who inspire us with their lives, their light, and try to be a light to others....
I didn't intend to write such a long treatise today as my first blog, so I will finish here saying at this time, I feel in my heart, we don't have forever to figure this out...perhaps this will change within me as I exorcise my remaining demons through diet of living food, eliminating addictions...clear my sight...because I want to heal, to ease sorrow and fear... I want to commune with angels, I want peace. I think of the Egyptian Book of the Dead weighing the heart against a feather, this is judgment.... anger, hate, killing, weigh the heart heavy....The truth hasn't changed. Perhaps the miracles that have saved my life were to allow me time to get this right...
I pray for all who find these words that you may find Peace. We cannot change the world, but we can change our self and in doing so, the world does change....observe your thoughts carefully, analyze the reason for choices, fear or enthusiasm? Choose enthusiasm, it requires jumping off cliffs of faith, each flight will give you the courage to continue....Believe in miracles, believe in the impossible, but to really believe means to walk the talk... Seek out and read the words of 'Jesus' and question yourself why 'you' will find such rare beauty there, the love lives on, I am sure.
The 26 thousand-year precession of the equinox, the 12 ages, was the biggest astrological cycle I was beginning to grasp, when Carl Calleman opened my eyes to the Mayan calendars' revelation of evolution of consciousness since the big bang, billions of years.... I had been on many of these pyramids in 1999
and was searching the mystery since. He says the nine layered pyramid calendar stepped up to the 8th level, on January 5, 1999, my mother died that month so I was immediately impressed...and then the travels that summer, pilgrimages and initiations; coming home, I bought my first house by myself by a miracle and felt honored to be able to sink my root deep into the Eureka Springs Ozark Mountains. My whole life changed that year...
Personal experience leads one to search, to share. I see the 'cosmic laws' changed that year, that we began to be able to see through the power structures for what they really are...I had a personal kick in the gut studying the US chart in 2000, the saturn/pluto alignment over the gemini ascendant, very disturbing, wondering what that was coming? Nuclear attack? Death? I studied the cycles of pluto/saturn, going back through the last century and saw the signs....After 911, I knew the US chart had Gemini rising, disputed still by astrologers, because the world trade centers were twins, among many other signs such as freedom of speech and mars rising showing our violence with guns. I determined to find the truth, with internet in my home and interlibrary loan, I was able to. The good side of this crime is that many people awakened. That we can see them so obviously proves to me that the vampire gig is nearly up. In 2001, the only truly critical book about the Bushs, I could find, was the "Unauthorized Biography of the Bush Family",...there were lots and lots bad about Bill Clinton...I knew something was very wrong.
I had to go through 'force fields' of fear to study this secret invasion of the Nazis that now is widespread knowledge...thank you Webster Tarpley for your courage. This is where the space ships come from, Tesla's stolen technology, no wonder they hid this phenomenally great man from our history books. I felt I began studying politics and economics and wound up tracing the vampire in I happilly find nine years later...many others have as well...
I posted my findings to my website on 11/11/01, that I thought it was an inside job, old news now...A lonely place to be, everybody seemed hypnotized....they were....I hadn't had tv in many years and I thought that might be the reason I could hear the propaganda over NPR in what they didn't ask.
Internet became widespread in '99, and that is the freedom of information, of speech, we are enjoying, for now...I rewrote my education in the fall of 2001 and continue today....realizing so much I had been force-taught in school was a lie and why we are lied to...
So when you realize you are studying demons, vampires, then you must find the antidote....I believe I could study this because I had been making all my decisions and actions upon enthusiasm since I was 33, I'm 56 now and it has released me from much of the fear vibe I see people suffering with, albiet mostly unconsciously...they don't even know they have a choice!
I knew when the saturn/pluto cycle came to the square, which is now, from studying the '30s, that the awakened 'beast' would be ravenous. Very few wanted to know, ostriches with their heads in the sand... I did continue my astrology column for 8 years every week, for free, censored when I got too political, so I focused on positive solutions.....donating sometimes a whole day a week to this honor...
I have had so many miracles, unbelievable, to encourage me upon my path of fearlessness... I was naive for a long time in believing the more creative one became the easier it becomes, I was wrong, it gets harder...that is why I became quiet the last few years, to see what I know, if it is valid....I sold my house in eureka three years ago, miraculously, to avoid debt; and found ten acres two years ago and have been especially isolated since then, focusing on clearing the land, building terraced gardens and finishing the foundation of a round house, 12 sides, like an astrology chart... I use the internet when I am too tired to do anything else, resting in civilization somewhere....I have no electricity or running water on the land...I feel so blessed to have it, and no debt.
As I write this, I'm on the fifth day of a fast, doing great, going back to my land to be under the full moon at the equinox....I am determined to eat only live foods when I begin to eat again, Thursday...I thought my vibes of being truthful and fearless were enough to transmute food, but I realize I was blind. After reading the Essene Gospel of Peace recently, I know in my heart, live food, is the only way to ascend to the levels I aspire to.... Mom was a doctor, a psychiatrist; I studied to be a nutritionist, among many other subjects, as I am a gemini...virgo is on my midheaven, so I know my calling is to heal, to nourish...'physician heal thyself' is the advice I am taking very seriously and enthusiastically.
As we near the end of the 2000 year age of Pisces, I have to study, seek out all the words of "Jesus" "Yahshua or Yeshua" as he was the avatar of that age. Astrology proved the existance of the 'savior' to me...I am saddened that people are told in Zeitgeist that the symbolism of the age created myth...I cannot agree, because astrology works upon and through people. Each age, mankind steps up in his evolution so someone had to accomplish it's archetypes....When I read his words, they ring so true, so beautiful. When one knows the archetypes of Pisces, it's all there in the story of the 'Christ'.
Martyrdom, sacrifice, selfless love of others as oneself, healing, ascension, miracles....Yashua threw out the money lenders and the animal sacrifice in the temple, that is what got him killed....I ask, how can we have the courage he had to right wrongs if we cannot believe in immortality? All such heros are martyred....He said we all have satan within us until we purify our temple, our body....we seek peace, yet we can we cease to be food for the vampire when we worship death in what we eat?...we cannot, and he said so... so I realize the way is very very narrow....but we are shown the way by the light of all the true prophets of peace that have come to us....
Maurice Cotterell thinks all these avatars are the same son of god, come to us to give us a little more of the puzzle, as man evolves. He has found the science of sun cycles in ancient tombs...that the sun reverses it's magnetic field every 4500 years or so....that civilization is wiped out everytime this happens and the pyramids were built to hold knowledge to the next age...
Pisces/Virgo symbolism is everywhere in Yeshua's message, the Harvest being a prominent discussion. I have believed the last ten years at least, that we are here to grow soul....that Earth/universe is a nursery for souls. Immortality is not a promise to everyone, some, most, are like chaff, stunted, sterile...this is obvious in the teachings of 'Jesus'...this is not cruel of the Creator...this is just how it is....
The Ten Commandments, don't kill, don't lie, don't bear false witness, don't steal, simple golden rules, but people weren't ready, so they kept killing animals and making sacrifices to false gods; as god didn't want the sacrifices, obviously, since he said 'thou shall not kill. Blood sacrifice is what has been happening from ancient times and there is a real evil purpose in that the parasitic demonic realms need it as 'satan' has no 'life' of his own....vampires, aliens, reptilians, call them what you will, need humans for food, and when you cannot understand how evil people can be, you can, if you see they are 'possessed'. I see this is a great secret, science has convinced us, is superstition. The last predator is so cunning to convince us it doesn't exist, all the while, usurping our thoughts, desires, bodies, souls, if we allow, in ignorance...
Immunity is in following the truth, and we can only know truth by being truth...a liar will not find his way through the labrynth. Reincarnation may be the mechanism through which we evolve to this point; but there seems to be a deadline to it more time....Maurice Cotterell has found that the 144, 000 is the speed of light in an arc, which goes around the earth 6.66 times in one second...144,000 represents the frequency the soul must ascend to to attain immortality...the light body...the halo of saints... the 666 reveals earth is hell...satan's get out, we have to make light and that is only through becoming love...divine love....
Now the testing of Satan, Saturn, is necessary, for without evil, the yin/yang of this world of duality, we are a worthless crop, spineless, useless to the greater universe....Athiests reject the idea of a creator as a cruel joke....they are blinded by intelligence and arrogance, wounded by evil done in the name of good...the institutions are all corrupt, no argument, but the source is true....and the source always warned us it would be so...
Something huge changed in '99 and evil can no longer hide itself....I believe from my own miracles that much more is possible now...everyone can see the speeding up that McKenna describes and I have personally experienced the connects to ancient times out on my land....I'm learning about the elements first hand...I can understand the illusion, the hologram, the matrix that keeps us in our prison and I am determined to rise above...
I had an experience just before the gulf oil disaster on my land that shook me badly....I had a bad dream and awoke with a kind of guilt I do not have, inside the mind of another who had hidden the body of a girl and the secret was eating his soul, his conscience prayed for peace...the feeling was so terrible when I awoke, I considered, was I remembering a past life I needed to heal? But I began to feel it was connected to my land that I acquired at abandoned land auction, obviously the day wore on, the winds were 40 mph and I saw fire danger from the debris of the ice storm the previous winter, as well as, wondering if this person was aware of me on my land. I felt he might show up and I would know his secret and how would I handle this as a christian? Thoughts came to me as I worked in the extreme wind, my conscience not letting me justify or forget the smallest sins that came to my memory, forgotton until that day....I knew that day, nothing is secret, all is written, somewhere. I was down on my knees, repentatant, humbled, and decided to seek a friend to pray with me, all of which I never have done before...I didn't find her, so I drove to Fayetteville, amazed to see almost every structure look crooked or blown...I wondered as I drove if I was seeing a future storm....wasting the region...
I feel I felt a little of 'judgement day' that day; the 'wrath of god' as I felt that nothing was safe but soul...I wasn't afraid, just overwhelmed, because I trust my maker...But I was shocked and searched on the internet and found the solar flares were so large that the astronauts were in special compartments in space that day to protect from the rays...I had let my four wheel drive truck roll four feet into a tree the day before, like a fool, and since learned solar flares coincide with more accidents...
But the searching continued, something was going on.. I was watching earth changes and then on the 29th of April, I saw a notice later than I usually stayed up, "the gulf oil spill may be worse than the exon valdize" and I knew that was it, what I had been about guilt, those with any conscience left would feel, the insiders who knew, before it blew...I have studied nuclear disaster, but never considered an oil disaster could be the beginning of apocalypse.
I looked at prophecy and saw what was happening described thousands of years ago, not to scare us, but to assure us to not fear when it gets terrible.... seas red as blood, fish boiling...
Beware of words and their translations, study and then seek the source inside your heart...My favorite book is the simple, Essene Gospel of Peace, because "Jesus" says the scriptures are dead, 'seek living truth of living god, living love our Creator with all our hearts, minds, souls.'
To love, to worship, is what we do, every day, every hour, every is creativity rather than destructivity....We were not created to be slaves to our maker, but true companions.
I have a great interest in the mysteries of his-story, other avatars that evil has attempted to erase....Mom had a near death experience about Nefertiti so we studied Ahkenaten before internet; I wish she could see what is known now....It seems very likely he was, or was closely associated with, Moses, as they both were proponents of 'one god' one 'creator' instead of all these idols or lesser gods....some say some of the psalms are of Ahkenaten's hymns and I think this must be so....he shut down the old temples of Egypt and priesthood, moved to 'aten' instead of 'amen' which we all say in prayer now all over the world....he must have been non-violent because he didn't keep up with the territories and so the economy began to fail....the priesthood erased all evidence of him they could, plowed salt into the ground of his new capital city after total destruction of it....
This priesthood that destroyed his new covenant are the ones in power today, same that crucified 'Jesus', the egyptian theme is obvious everywhere...these vampires must be connected to royal mummies, now in the London museum perhaps? As the Dracula novel told, their coffins must be near for them to return every day...the art was beautiful and realistic that Ahkenaten created....he is slandered because he was good, I am Jesus, he shook things up....
I am sure there is cosmic law that only allows so much tampering with the is out everything, all mixed up for us to sort out individually through the school of hard knocks...
I believe in love and the ideal of soul marriage....I think at the ending of an age, something of it's opposite happens...the end of the age of Aries, the old testament concept of god, angry wrathful, it's opposite Libra, manifested in laws, culture and divine marriage...that is why I feel in my heart that Jesus and Mary Magdelene were married...from personal revelation in front of a black madonna in Cocacabana Lake Titicaca Bolivia in '99, before the DaVinci Code. I found afterwards, the books that inspired that...but I disagree with the bloodline of the bluebloods' claim and was offended at the sex ritual as it was profane and not of anything sacred....the protagenist in DaVinci Code was right to be disgusted...of course the story isn't's the story of the corruption of the truth, that they loved one another so much that his resurrection was only possible with her partnership, her love, her witness, which is so buried, hence, the black madonnas, the hidden mary... Now as we come to the end of the Pisces age, Virgo manifests, out of the shadows, and we must attend to cleaning our temples... Evil has divided man from woman because the power of soul marriage is so great.
Now this Lucifer story, this is different from Satan, as Lucifer is said to be an archangel, the shining one, Venus...Two sides to every coin, the negatives of Venus are vanity, jealousy, greed, lust, gluttony, the negatives of Saturn are cold, cruel, punishing, dominence. The whole rebellion story, like the story of Judas, reminds me of the parable of the Prodigal Son, ultimately Yahshua was talking about rebellious Lucifer...good cop, bad cop? His father's infinite love waits patiently. I have personal experience with Lucis (Lucifer Trust) as a lending library and thought it wierd at the time that the spiritual booklist also had United Nations material, now I understand that connect to Theosophy, Rockefeller, which has helped me understand the New Age Movement as infiltrated with disinformation, like everything else...Like rats in a maze, we must prove some real intelligence to get out of this matrix...
So to not be divided and conquered, we must love, and pray for, all our enemies, even our arch rival, the great deceiver...I'm sure this is misunderstood in the rationalizations of the likes of Albert Pike and all masonic evils when the choice is made to worship evil, meaning, to think it, do it, say it...the evil ones in the world literally ask for these spirits to inhabit them to give worldly powers and wealth....all the world leaders are compromised, and the ones that try to cut their puppet strings are killed...Bob Dylan seems to admit he sold his soul for fame...
It's freaky out there, but it always has careful what you idolize....the beauty of the Piscean Age is the promise of forgiveness upon true repentance, sins are wiped away....but not by buying favors from corrupt priests, or giving lip service. There has to be a reason that the Heart of Christianity is so slandered, so covered in mud that few even look....there has to be a reason Yahshua said his followers would have a very very difficult road....
It's obvious human kind as a collective has malignant cancer, each 'cell' having chosen to join chaos, as each human choses to do evil out of fear or greed...Compromise and compartmentalization is how evil, functions....the times to come require the greatest of will to not succumb and become a's too big to believe the lie that we can do it alone, we all ask for help when the going gets rough, just discern the help you ask and remember, he said, his kingdom is not of this world...identify with your soul and believe and behave as if you can be more than your body...all these who have sold their souls will have terror as their reward...Karma is real, what goes around, comes around....
We were warned about false prophets and it's epidemic now as are split personalities, one reason I waited to speak is I want to present truth. The 2012 bandwagon is obscene, people telling you to accept 'implants' from 'aliens' to attain 'enlightenment' and so on...I respect Krishnamurti so much that he rejected the Theosophical society's messiah of the new age position he has been groomed for...he saw the light, bless his heart. Look and see what is being promoted in media and bookstores, who's making the money saying what, and you will begin to see the conspiracy to enslave your soul. There is no reason to doubt intelligent life elsewhere, but there is every reason to doubt 'benevolent aliens' are your friends. Whether demons come from here or mars or orion, makes no difference, humans are cattle to them. Remember the Twilight Zone segment called "To Serve Man"? Their manuel turned out to be a cookbook. Angels of true light are not going to call themselves 'aliens'. The sacred books are incredible aid in arming yourself against this widespread deceit. Do you trust the Vatican when they tell us aliens have souls too, when they didn't even believe women had souls during the inquisition, probably still don't.
I've believed a long time now that heaven and hell are dimensional, both right here...that one's reality depended upon one's own vibration, sink to hell or rise to heaven....the words of 'Jesus' must be truth because they would come to me, even though I never could finish reading the new testament's clumsy translations... I read this summer, the Aramaic translations with beautiful ease, I found more with the Essenes and the books cut out of the bible...I'm impressed with the Koran which validates Jesus and the Mary's and the jinn/demons. There is wisdom all over the world, of course. I'd rather believe it all than believe none of it.
My mom was a unitarian and my grandparents Baptists, mom was a searcher and had read the bible and was a good woman and mother, but she worshipped intelligence and science and that hurt her in the end. Grandmother was inhibited by her religion but she aspired to be true to her faith...I feel I am sane because I had both women to balance my perspective...Mother died a horrible death, three years of cancer and treatments, so angry; I wasn't surprised that tornadoes hit Little Rock the day of her funeral. Grandmother died a blessed death, just sitting to remove her shoes...I didn't know, she had visited me that day in Tahlequah, but I dreamed of a beautiful alchemical singing dove that morning, that I was to care for; finding it dead at the end of the dream...I awoke in tremendous grief and was trying to go back to sleep to redream the dream so it wouldn't be dead, when Dad called saying grandmother was dead.
It is not our place to judge, I loved both women so much...I completely understand why people reject is filled with evil, but not the source. We are blessed to find those who inspire us with their lives, their light, and try to be a light to others....
I didn't intend to write such a long treatise today as my first blog, so I will finish here saying at this time, I feel in my heart, we don't have forever to figure this out...perhaps this will change within me as I exorcise my remaining demons through diet of living food, eliminating addictions...clear my sight...because I want to heal, to ease sorrow and fear... I want to commune with angels, I want peace. I think of the Egyptian Book of the Dead weighing the heart against a feather, this is judgment.... anger, hate, killing, weigh the heart heavy....The truth hasn't changed. Perhaps the miracles that have saved my life were to allow me time to get this right...
I pray for all who find these words that you may find Peace. We cannot change the world, but we can change our self and in doing so, the world does change....observe your thoughts carefully, analyze the reason for choices, fear or enthusiasm? Choose enthusiasm, it requires jumping off cliffs of faith, each flight will give you the courage to continue....Believe in miracles, believe in the impossible, but to really believe means to walk the talk... Seek out and read the words of 'Jesus' and question yourself why 'you' will find such rare beauty there, the love lives on, I am sure.
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